It's Time to Restore Masculinity and Reject the WOKE Agenda!

In years past, to be a man, to be truly masculine, universally meant to be strong, to be a provider and to learn to exercise responsibility and authority, making decisions for the benefit of family, employer and society. The real man was ideally to be an effective leader, decision-maker and contributor to family and nation.

In years past, to be a man, to be truly masculine, universally meant to be strong, to be a provider and to learn to exercise responsibility and authority, making decisions for the benefit of family, employer and society. The real man was ideally to be an effective leader, decision-maker and contributor to family and nation. This is the patriarchy, and under this concept many civilizations developed and flourished, including those that are European-based. 

In our day, decades of films, TV shows and other types of propaganda, often supported by governments, have depicted masculinity as negative. Current influence from the radical far left (which likes to portray itself as "middle-of-the-road,") has given rise to new terminology ridiculing and demeaning masculinity, using terms like misogyny and 'toxic masculinity' to ferment a social revolution aimed at destroying male attributes and roles.  Those who resist are humiliated, bullied and attempts are made to drive them from the public square, to shame them into becoming submissive, and to affirm a new doctrine of social deconstruction. 

Much is made of the fact that males are falling behind females in education, but this is largely a consequence of educational programming and biased entrance and scholarship criteria, as our video "Do Schools Discriminate Against Boys" clearly demonstrates. 

School curricula omit, deny or corrupt true history, and revile the heroes of our cultural heritage, whose skill and will largely built our Western nations, for the benefit of many. The goal is to hide the past, so comparison and analysis cannot be made by contemporary students, who will believe whatever they are told.  A major reform of the education system is now therefore essential, featuring a rich fact-based curriculum, taught by knowledgeable teachers, without the pressure to socially engineer our youth.

Boys need examples from history.  They need to develop stoicism, physical strength, courage and the will to speak the truth regardless of the pressure on them to affirm that which is fantasy.
Men need to be prepared and trained to work diligently and to seek to improve not only their own personal and family situation, making a good and happy life for their wife and children, but also seeking to contribute to and be a benefit to their employer or company. 

As Canadian professor and author Jordan Peterson counsels in his brilliant book, Twelve Rules for Life, young men must learn to equip themselves to serve the society around them and be effective. They must "stand up straight with [their] shoulders straight," pursue truth, be articulate in speech, assume real responsibilities and carry them out. 

There is no need for the young men of today to surrender to the ill-conceived and self-destructive Woke agenda. It is time to lead!