Michael Heykoop

What Happened to the Davidic Line of Kings?

David, the most famous king of Ancient Israel was promised a dynasty that would live on forever. His son, Solomon, succeeded David and extended the boundaries of the great nation. However, upon Solomon's death, the nation was divided in two.

Does History Matter?

Should we care about what happened in the past? As any good time-travel movie will tell you, changing the past is a very difficult thing to do.

The Old Dirt Road

"The Old Dirt Road," as we called it, served my father well for his exercise of choice after a hard day’s work. It also served me, by giving me a chance to learn an important lesson from my father about planning for the future.

A Disastrous Season of Discontent

Violent crime and angry protest are growing problems in cities across North America and the world. What is behind the increasing trend towards violence an lawless behavior? Is there a solution?

Sowing the Wind

I admit it! I'm a weather junkie. I follow reports on the weather carefully and check the Weather Channel often to see what is going on in different parts of the country and the world.

Where Do Christmas Traditions Come From?

Tradition has the power to make common those things which, upon even a little contemplation, are peculiar or outright bizarre. Practices that seem to have nothing to do with the event at hand can be considered essential elements.