
Canada's Personal Debt Crisis

Speaking at the Chamber of Commerce in Yellowknife, Stephen Poloz, Governor of the Bank of Canada stated it succinctly, "For most Canadians debt is a fact of life, at least at some point" ("Canada's Economy and Household Debt: How Big Is the Probl

Evolution and Creation: What Both Sides Miss

Many claim that life has evolved over billions of years through blind forces of nature. Others declare that the earth, and even the whole universe, was created by God only 6,000 years ago. Both ideas can't be right.

Bring Back the Family Dinner

Do you want to improve your health, and the health of your family members? While strengthening your relationship with your spouse and children? Do you want to help improve your child's grades while reducing your level of stress?

How Will The UK Fare After Brexit?

June 24, 2016, the results of the referendum are announced and the world is left stunned. 17.4 million Citizens of the United Kingdom made known that they wanted out of the E.U.

Entropy and Creation

According to some of the world's leading mathematicians and scientists, the development of life could not have been a "chance" event, but required an intelligent instigation.

Does Science Support Evolutionary Theory?

There is an assumption made in most schools, universities and even in the production of documentaries on nature, that all scientists are unanimous in their belief that life as we know it on earth, evolved over time from rudimentary non-life